Work injuries.

Work injuries.

Postby Anna Castanyer » Thu May 24, 2007 8:25 am

1. Have you, or has anyone you know, ever suffered from RSI or SAD?

I have some workmates that suffered RSI or SAD

2. Do you make sure that you sit and type correctly when you use a computer or typewriter? Do you ever have pains in any parts of your body from using the computer for long periods of time?

I know sometimes I don't sit correctly, and the consequence is a pain in my back or a a pain in my shoulders o a pain in my wrists.

3. What advice would you give to someone who has just bought a computer to prevent problems like RSI and aches and pains in the back, shoulders and arms? Write five suggestions. Read the suggestions of your classmates and vote for the best five.

. you need a good chair
. you need a correct light
. you nedd some breaks when you work a lot of hours with computer
. you need a correct table

4. Do you think the exercises described in READING are very useful and effective?

5. Do you do any exercises during or after working at a desk for a long period of time? Describe two.

I don't usually do any exercises during or after working, but sometimes when I'm pain in my shoulders or in my neck I use to do exercises like, turn the neck at right and at left, carefully, and I down and up my neck.
Other good exercise can be walk a few minuts, this is a good way for my legs and my back!
Anna Castanyer

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