organasing a work space

organasing a work space

Postby mcami » Mon Nov 15, 2010 5:18 pm

1. Organising a work space.

. Arrange the computer monitor so that your head is not tilted too far up or down for viewing.
. Put the mouse pad directly to the left or right of the keiboard to avoid awk ward twisting of your wrist and forearm.
. Make sure you don't have to lean too far left or right to search speaker, pen/pencils, printer or disk driver. Easy access to these tools will help you more smoothly from one task to the next.
. At your desk, first adjust the chair so that your back rests comfortable against the back of the chair, and your feet are flat on the floor while your armsare at the right angle to your desk surface.
. Keep your space at 80% of capacity.

2. Exercises at work.

. Need more storage and better lighting.
. Personal effects can often take over so much space that there is no longer ample space to work.
. Utilize wall shelves, small tables to display photos.

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