Feng Shui advice

I don't believe in Feng Shui,but Ithink Feng Shui is a good practice.
Paradoxical ?
It's true, the adequate proportions, the distribution, the order of the elements in a room , in a house, affects the feeling of comfort.
Our brain loves the order, loves the symmetry, loves the beauty.
Probably, Feng Shui has been putting into practice this basic attribute of the human brain since the beginning of this art.
Well, in my opinion, there is not need to resort to these chineses concepts to explain the evidents effects of the correct disposition of the elements in a house or building.
Finally, perhaps we, in Occident, are saying the same things with differents words.
Paradoxical ?
It's true, the adequate proportions, the distribution, the order of the elements in a room , in a house, affects the feeling of comfort.
Our brain loves the order, loves the symmetry, loves the beauty.
Probably, Feng Shui has been putting into practice this basic attribute of the human brain since the beginning of this art.
Well, in my opinion, there is not need to resort to these chineses concepts to explain the evidents effects of the correct disposition of the elements in a house or building.
Finally, perhaps we, in Occident, are saying the same things with differents words.