Unit 8 - Chat

Unit 8 - Chat

Postby itsfarras » Sat Oct 30, 2010 7:33 pm

1. Moon travel

I think that this types of travels are a real possibility but only for a rich people.
No, I never would go to the moon, because I have a lot of things to see en the Earth.
I think that is good that the investigators know more about the moon but I think that first there are some things to arrange in the Earth before to go to build hotels in the Moon.

2. Moon expressions and idioms

- Give the moon give all
- Be on the moon be confused

3. Moon stories
The moon and the peasant Jacinto

Once upon a time, a long, long time, one night in black and starry sky, the moon shone high in the sky a bright white ball was a serious accident, stumbled and fell to the ground as white as it was, was a fall in the middle of a green wheat field of a village lost among the fields and mountains called Liceras. The next morning, the peasant rising Jacinto, owner of the field, looked out the window and was surprised to see that it was still dark and the sun had not risen despite being very late. Frightened, went out and ran to the field and hid there among the green ears of corn, he found the frightened moon wept uncontrollably. Moon explained between sobs that had fallen from heaven, and if not return to his place, never again to be his friend day and the sun never come out. The farmer Jacinto, very concerned to think and rethink how to help the poor moon and it occurred that if carried to the highest mountain in the village might be able to throw hard to reach the heavens. It would be a difficult mission but wanted to try. So I took the frightened moon in his arms and carried her to the highest mountain, the peak Grao and from there, threw it with all his might .... but the moon fell back again, the sky was too far. Jacinto The farmer looked at the blue moon, thought and rethought and came up with the crazy idea of building the world's tallest ladder to reach the sky and the moon to leave instead. He took all the wood of your house, the trunks of fallen trees in the forest, its wood carving tools, nails, nails and a hammer and began to work without losing a moment. It took a little bit to build it but when he had finished, he took in his hands to the moon and climbed the ladder to leave high in the sky. The moon was very happy and grateful for how he had behaved the peasant Jacinto she asked what he wanted most in the world: money, wealth, a new home ... But the peasants were so poor and so hungry spent only wanted his green wheat field to give him something to eat him and his family. The moon then spoke with his friend the sun to the earth it will send its rays and convert the green fields of yellow wheat ears with which to make bread, flour and other things to eat. The sun turned the desire of the farmer and every year when the warm weather arrives in honor of Jacinto farmer and his good deed, the sun sends its rays over the green fields Liceras to become yellow ears of corn and never no villager goes hungry.

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