Unit 2. Feng shui advice

Unit 2. Feng shui advice

Postby ftorres » Fri Oct 15, 2010 12:26 pm

1- It chooses a house of square form that has the later part and the wings protected. The protection can be realized by trees, hills or other buildings. An essential element in the entry can be the installation in his left side of a source or lake that will favor the fortune.
2-You avoid to place a swimming pool behind his house, the place adapted for his location is in the front part. And always with rounded and soft forms.
3-The domestic animals are very advisable. The Feng-Shui's teachers it advises the possession of tortoises because it is a protection animal of the home.
4-If you have stairs inside the house not place you eat under its an desk or an aquarium.
5- The living room has to be of colors as green, yellow or red.

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