Things about the Moon

Things about the Moon

Postby Tomàs » Mon Oct 11, 2010 6:54 pm


1. Moon travel.

- Yes, of course. But I also think that it will be very dangerous in the beginning. I’m sure there will be many accidents so more than 300,000 km away are being a lot of kilometres for an only journey.
- Well, I would like very much to go but I think I wouldn’t go as a tourist. Moon is interesting as scientific matter for me.
- I think so. But only in general so we can learn and know different things about space, zero gravity or how these travels can affect our bodies. However, I think that travelling in outer space is only interesting for scientist research.
- Yes, I do. However, I can’t think about giving up spatial and scientific researches. But, when I listen to somebody telling people that the space research is interesting or necessary to military projects I think they are wrong. Then I think about it as unnecessary so there are lots of more important problems affecting to people which are waiting for solving.

2. Moons expressions and idioms.

1- Estàs a la lluna (de València): “You are on (under) the (Valence) moon”. It is said when somebody is miles away (absent-minded). If we include the Valence reference, then you have forgotten to go to somewhere or to do something and when you think about it you aren’t in time. (Hypothetic historical reference to the walled Valence: people arriving too late had to stay out of the walls slipping under the Moon).
2- Els hi senyalo la lluna i els tontos només em miren el dit. “I’m pointing the moon but they only can look at my finger”: When somebody is not able to understand something like metaphoric sentences.
3- Fer veure la lluna en un cove. “To show to somebody the moon into a basket”: To tell somebody to believe something that’s unlikely or totally incredible.

3. Moon stories. (This is a literal copied (by typing; not copy and paste) text from a web that doesn’t indicate my English level)

The Sun and the Moon.
The Sun was in love with the Moon and wanted to marry her. However, the reluctant moon came up with an idea. She told the Sun that if he gave her a gift that would fit her size, she would marry him. So the mighty sun got her the most beautiful robe ever seen. But it didn’t fit her. So he got another size that too didn’t fit her. It was either too big or too small. He just could not understand her trick. The moon is never the same size everyday. She goes through different phases from the period of the full moon to the new moon. The poor sun is still trying to get the robe to fit. (By Loveleena Rajeev)

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