Unit 2 House and Home. 7 Chat. 1. Feng shui

Unit 2 House and Home. 7 Chat. 1. Feng shui

Postby trinidadmartinezalbert » Mon Oct 04, 2010 4:44 pm

In my opinión the feng shui is very important. In the first place, because we don’t know it, so we don’t can to say very much it. But, I know that a lot of people when there are a lot of wind, they have headache. This way, it’s possible that other elements influence us.
In the other hand, the energy is incountable and invisible. I think, the energy is possible to give it and to receive it, because there machines of laser, electrical unloads, plutonium, RX…, that they work with energy and can affect us. In the same way, the things or shapes or places, they can to concern us the state of mind.
I know two people that they have read about it, but they did not explain anything to me on this.
I don’t know any building or place where I live that are designed according to the principles of feng shui.

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