Work injuries

Work injuries

Postby Anna BS » Sat Jun 12, 2010 11:56 am

1. Have you, or has anyone you know, ever suffered from RSI or SAD?
I think that SAD is rare in Spain because there are plenty of natural light. Some people can be more sad in gray days without being pathological. About RSI I know is common in certain jobs. I have not ever experienced these diseases.

2. Do you make sure that you sit and type correctly when you use a computer or typewriter? Do you ever have pains in any parts of your body for using the computer for long periods of time?
No, I don't sure, I only try to be comfortable, but I'm never to long in one position. I've been lucky until now, usually not hurting anything.

3. What advice would you give to someone who has just bought a computer to prevent problems like RSI and aches and pains in the back, shoulders and arms? Write five suggestions of your classmates and vote for the best fives.
a) Work out regularly to get the muscles well toned
b) Keep your wrists straight and flat
c) Adjust your chair and type-board at the proper height
d) Take some breaks to stretch and rest your arms, neck and back
e) Alternate hands with the mouse and the keyboard control.

4. Do you think the exercises described in READING are very useful and effective?
I think they can help avoid problems

5. Do you do any exercises during or after working at a desk for a long period of time?
I do exercise regularly, but not especially during or after work.
Anna BS

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