Famous places

Famous places

Postby mrosaeapc » Wed Nov 18, 2009 7:24 pm

The Royal Mile
A good description of The Royal Mile of Edimburg can be this sentence:
The largest, longest and finest street for Buildings and Number of Inhabitants, not only in Britain, but in the World..."
(Daniel Defoe, 1723)

Probably Edinburgh's oldest street, The Royal Mile connects Edinburgh Castle with the Palace of Holyrood House. Visitors will find a lot to explore on either side of this historic road

As the name suggests, the Royal Mile is approximately one Scottish mile long. It is sometimes referred to as "High Street", but properly, this is the name of only one stretch. The streets which make up the Royal Mile are (west to east) Castle Esplanade, Castlehill, Lawnmarket, High Street, Canongate and Abbey Strand. The Royal Mile is Edinburgh Old Town's busiest tourist street, rivalled only by Princes Street in the New Town.

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