work injuries

work injuries

Postby mrosa.lopez » Fri Jun 12, 2009 9:37 pm

1. Yes me. I'm suffering from RSI
2. I don't sit sametimes correctly when I use de computer. So I usually have pain in the neck and back
3. You have to use a ergonomic seat
You have to seat correctly with your back straight
You have to do a break every hour
4) Yes I think so
5) No, usually I forget to do some exercise after working at a desk for a long peiod of time.

Re: work injuries

Postby Josep Maria » Thu Jun 18, 2009 5:28 pm

Hello, Rosa,

I am sorry you suffer from RSI. It is a typical kind of pain connected with office work. The first time this illness looks not much important, because it shows how not very serious. But, it's specially important do the exercices daily, because the pain accumulate day and day until this illness turns irreversible.

I think the things you suggest are very advisable.
Josep Maria

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