Famous houses

Famous houses

Postby Marta » Tue Jun 02, 2009 4:18 pm

2009 2009 2009
Adult $69.00 $33.00 $28.00

The nation's first president, George Washington, traveled to the site of the federal city on July 16, 1792, to make his judgment. His review is recorded as being brief and he quickly selected the submission of James Hoban, an Irishman living in Charleston, South Carolina. Washington was not entirely pleased with the original Hoban submission, however; he found it too small, lacking ornament, and not fitting the nation's president. On Washington's recommendation the house was enlarged by thirty percent; a large reception hall, the present East Room, was added. This was likely inspired by the large reception room at Mount Vernon.

The door of 10 Downing Street is black.

1. What year was the White House on fire?
2. Who claimed the numbers 10,11,12 of Downing Street for his family?
3. What Graceland is now?

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