Moon travel

Moon travel

Postby Lourdes » Sat Apr 11, 2009 5:13 pm

I think moon travel of this type is not a real possibility in this moment because there aren't hotels in the moon.
Yes, I would go there, I think the journey would be amazing, but not any more... learn something? I don't know. For me is imposible understand why the rocket fly!
The space travel in general is useful for experiments, new technology and the desenvolopement of various science fields, but it's very expensive. I'm sure the money spent on space travel should be more useful for other things here on Earth.
At least more people beneficiary of the money.

Re: Moon travel

Postby isabelj » Mon Apr 27, 2009 8:20 am

I think Moon travel will be a real possibility at soon, not much years.
Moon travel will be abble a big source of money, above all rich tourists. So, there are a lot of entreprises interested with it.
I believe that space travel in general isen't useful. It's useful about science and developpement but not of tourist people. A lot Moon travels means all types of problems: dirtiness, noise, pollution...
The money will spent on space travel should be used for other things here on Earth, for example on the poor countries. It would prevent a lot of people death of hunger.

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