Postby Mª ANGELES » Sun May 04, 2008 6:08 pm

Do you think moon travel of this type is a real possibility?
Ithink that it's can be a real possibility in the future, but at the moment it's not reality.
Would you go? What do you think you would enjoy and learn from the experience?
Yes, I would go to this travel. I think that I would enjoy and I would learn with this new experience for the sensation of weightlessness.
Do you think space travel in general is useful? What do you think we can learn from travelling in outer space?
In my opinion if you have a personal objetives to obtain in this travel is useful.
We can learn that the people are insignificants in Earth, that we are small in the world.
Do you think the money spent on space travel should be used for other things here in Earth?
I don't think that the money spent in the space travel is not squardered, because it's used for knowledge, but the money spent for the wars, in arms, etc, is a money that we would can be used for poor children, for example.

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