Postby jose.mariaplata » Sun Nov 14, 2010 5:57 pm

Each Feng Shui Consultant's advice and recommendations vary and it is important to be aware of this when choosing a consultant.
Each Feng Shui Consultants’ recommendations are unique and individual to enhance your home or workplace and its occupants from the philosophies of Feng Shui practiced by the individual practitioner.
It is not recommended to incorporate advice from two or more different advisors, as confusion may result.
Different reasons why people seek advice from a Feng Shui advisor are:
To stimulate and enhance, the flow of positive chi energy in a residential home or unit.
To create prosperity in the Office or Work Place.
To achieve harmony between all work colleagues.
To obtain Feng Shui advice, for plans of a new home, unit and business premises.
To review and advise house renovation for existing home or business.
Obtain Feng Shui advice when relocating a home or business.
For advice on a pre-purchase assessment of a new home, business or office.
To use Feng Shui solutions to help with bad luck, illness, personal or business relationships issues and creating better prosperity.
For Feng Shui advice about good furniture placements to improve all aspects of prosperity of the home or business.
Information on where to place auspicious objects to enhance prosperity or reduce negative chi energy.
Advice on colour schemes to improve prosperity and harmony in each room of the home or business.
Advice to improve prosperity when looking to re-paint your home or business, which can enable you to know which parts of your home or business can be enhanced by which colour.
For advice when designing a business Logo or uniforms.
How to choose the right block of land and what direction to build your new home or new business on so that it attracts prosperity and harmony for your future.
How and why it is important to cleanse a house, unit or business of the energies from past tenants before moving in.

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