Unit 8 - Net Search

Unit 8 - Net Search

Postby itsfarras » Sat Oct 30, 2010 7:36 pm

Moon exploration

Discovery of water on the Moon

On November 13, 2009, the U.S. space agency NASA announced the discovery of water on the moon. When, on October 9 crashed NASA LCROSS and the Centaur rocket in Cabeus crater at the south pole of the Moon, in an operation that sought to confirm the presence of water in the Earth's natural satellite. The collision lifted a column of material from the bottom of a crater that has received no sunlight in billions of years.

The water lifted by the impact of the probe could fill a dozen buckets of eight liters, the scientist said Anthony Colaprete. Preliminary data analysis of these materials "indicate that the mission discovered, successfully, water (...) and this discovery opens a new chapter in our knowledge of the moon," NASA said.

"The concentration and distribution of water and other substances require further analysis, but we can safely say that (the crater) Cabeus contains water," said Colaprete.

A nice phrase

The love between a man and a woman waxes and wanes like the moon

The influence of the moon

Since ancient times the Moon is attributed to an influence on human disease. Hippocrates whose doctrine was followed by Galen says that seizures are more numerous when the moon is full or when new. The word lunatic comes from a Latin term that means just epileptic.

Pliny the Elder in his Natural History compiles a lot of magic recipes for many purposes, from removing warts heal epilepsy, including reflects this, I do not know if it would be effective, but certainly not desirable result: Some doctors prescribe take heart from a male ass black with bread before the full moon.

Among the many highlights the Lunaria plants used, recommended for liver disease and was taken by a cook with wine.

The moon is often linked to health especially its relation with blood, since the nature more or less humid than was attributed in antiquity to the moon contrasts with the vital fluid. To practice the bloodletting, doctors resorted to medieval astrology and between their knowledge were essential to know some astronomy and manage the astrolabe.

Even today in some areas the belief persists that a full Moon encourages bleeding which leads some surgeons to organize the planning of assistance according to a lunar calendar to avoid concerns patients more superstitious.

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