Unit. 2 Chat 1 Feng Shui

Unit. 2 Chat 1 Feng Shui

Postby ccardielt » Mon Oct 04, 2010 8:15 pm

I think the pinciples of Feng Shui are posiives but in our country aren't applied, and the constructions don't follow a good model, only the price and not the common sense in distributions of the rooms.
I heard to speak about Feng Shui but I don't know too much about it's principles probably because I don't know anyone who lives with its principles.
Respect my home, I live in a house, my house is in a residencial neighborhood in a village of Tarragona region, is a good area, the house has five rooms and I thing the better is the great garden, the only negative is that the parking is not very spacious. In front of the principal door, there are the kitchen, next are the living room and the dinner room, upstairs there are a great bathroom and three rooms and under roof there are two rooms more.

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