About charities

About charities

Postby Tomàs » Fri Sep 10, 2010 5:22 pm

Well, about charities I sadly think they’re a good (more necessary than good) idea to help underprivileged people because, if we speak about poor countries, it seems any government in the world wants to try to share its wealth to others to let these countries to develop, and about our own rich country many people don’t have work to earn money or their works are not continuous, not enough or badly paid. These people can’t buy or rent a flat, for example and they (we all) need shop for food to live, obviously.

In fact I think about charities as a way for people in rich countries to make up the spoliation made for the governments of these countries over called Third World in the past (well, at present I think our governments follow plundering the poor countries but on other ways).

Finally I prefer to collaborate with not religious movements and organisations which demand equality between poor and rich countries so they can become developed countries needing charities never again. On the other hand wealth in a same country ought to be equitably shared out so all people in it would be able to take the same opportunities. Is this an utopia? Surely...

I have never been on a sponsored activity for charity but my family and I collaborate every year with Intermon Oxfam and Farmaceutics Mundi. We also take part in the human rights and environment fight by means of Amnesty International and Greenpeace.

About what unusual thing would I do to raise money I think I have no ability to do anything that was enough interesting to attract attention. However I would like to go on a trek across the Himalayas for example (but I’m sure this is a thing that doesn’t interest anybody at present time).

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