Moon travel

Moon travel

Postby Roser » Fri Jun 18, 2010 11:56 am

1. Moon travel.

• Do you think Moon travel of this type is a real possibility?
Maybe not yet today but in the future I think it will be possible because the man's ambition has no end.
• Would you go? What do you think you would enjoy and learn from the experience?
I'm not too risky person so I do not like at all to leave the earth. Television documentaries are enough for me to know about it.
• Do you think space travel in general is useful? What do you think we can learn from travelling in outer space?
I think it is useful to have artificial satellites in space for telecommunications, to report on environmental monitoring, meteorology, cartography and other purposes like these.
• Do you think the money spent on space travel should be used for other things here on Earth?
Yes. At least a big part of the money could used for improving our planet better than to look for other places to destroy

Re: Moon travel

Postby Lucy (tutor) » Mon Jun 21, 2010 5:33 pm

Hi Roser,

Thanks for writing about moon travel on the noticeboard. It's interesting to read your replies.

I agree that it's a very big risk to travel into space and would prefer not to leave the earth!
Lucy (tutor)

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