foreign languages at school

foreign languages at school

Postby opicas » Sat Nov 07, 2009 6:55 pm

Since 1990, the economie of our country is increasing a five per cent annual. It's a good notice. This is possible thanks to commercial relations whit Japan. Japan spends 400 milions euros to buy catalan products. We need to improve our relations with japanise industries and the business sector. This is not posible if the people don't speak japanese. The Education Ministry will propose catalan schools teach japanese language from next year. Some lobbys and ethnics comunities who lives in Catalunya ask the Ministry to includes their languages at the school, how arabic, latin (it's a very old comunnity, they wear a large tunics) spanish (a very strange language, we don't know exactly but it appears it speaks in a country in the our far west), and esperanto. We've decided not teach those languages because the children don't have enough time to learn.

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