Postby NACHO » Mon Nov 02, 2009 8:13 pm


In the imperial China the feng shui was a state matter and only the imperial constructions and of some nobles they had access to this application, because of it one was calling it " Applications of emperors and kings ". Even it was applied to the location and orientation of the tombs (Yin Zhai or housing of the dead men) since one believed that the feng shui of the same ones was influencing the fortune of the descent of the deceased.

The doctrine of the feng shui is based on the existence of a vital breath or chi, which flow meets modified by the form and disposition(regulation) of the space, the orientations (cardinal points) and the temporary changes. Some schools of feng shui put the emphasis in the study of the forms: the mountains, the rivers, the structure of the housing or place of work, the location of a bathroom, kitchen(cuisine), room, etc. Up to the placement of the furniture. Other schools emphasize on the other hand the use of the compass, though at present the trend is to consider both the form and the orientation together.

Some famous buildings created in conformity with the principles of the Feng Shui are: The Bank of England, the company British Telecom, the company Virgin in England, the building World Trade Center of New York, the Museum Guggenheim of New York, the Zhong Hedian of the Gugong or city prohibited of Pekin, the Bank of Hong Kong and Shangai's Bank, between others


The entry of a house or office must be wide and cleans. It must never be blocked by objects, ornaments or big handles. In an office, the seats must be placed in such a way that it could see the door of entry.

The offices of the principal executives in a company must be placed in the zone of power of the offices, that is to say, at the end of everything. They must be of easy accessibility and create a climate of unit to work for an aim. The doors of the baths have to be kept closed, and the lids of the waterclosets lowered, to prevent the opportunities from escaping. It is not advisable to sleep or to work under girders or shelves.

The dry plants or in poor condition they have lost your vitality, for what it will be necessary to throw them. The tops or corners have to be avoided, since they point from accusing or aggressive form to unconscious level. Five elements (Water, Fire, Madeira, Earth and Metal) have to be present in the decoration of the home or the office. The corridors and foyers that lack natural light have to be profusely illuminated with artificial light.

It is not suitable to use one of the principles of the Feng Shui of form isolated, that is to say, the door must not make up of red if the rest of the decoration is not planned in agreement by the rest of the oriental principles.

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