Moon travel

Moon travel

Postby Josep Maria » Sun Oct 25, 2009 9:51 am

Do you think Moon travel of this type is a real possibility?
Would you go? What do you think you would enjoy and learn from the experience?
Do you think space travel in general is useful? What do you think we can learn from travelling in outer space?
Do you think the money spent on space travel should be used for other things here on Earth?

Nowadays I think is not possible practicle, because there are another things more necessari. But I thing a theoretical travel Moon is possible. I hope, after all basic human necessities are solved, to travel to The Moon.

Of course I would go to The Moon, because I love nature so I love Space, and I a passionet of Science Fiction.

Space travel will be useful for many questions: Nature is also the space, It is an aventure, it vill join all people in a common objective, raw materials, to know others cultures...

I think, nowadays, there are enough money to travel to space and to have all basic necessities solved. The matter is the bad distribution of resources. I think spent money on space is essential.
Josep Maria

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