Feng shui

Feng shui

Postby oriol » Mon Jun 22, 2009 10:07 pm

Unafortunatly, I know a litle what's Feng Shui. My sister in low is a fanatyc believer of this inpronunciable chinese expression. She is tryng to convince me than Feng Shui is the best way for my happiness... without succes at the moment. Two years ago, I invited my brother and my sister in low in my new house. At the begining, they told me they liked the house. But immeditly, those witch left the conventional sentences, and she began study all the house's rooms. I each room, she was finding faults: the wall's colour were not corrects (they were too cold) the beds were dangerously near to the windows. She asked me to extract the mirrors, change the picture colours of the bath.... A time later, I knew my sister in low bougth a shop about Feng Shui. Then, I understund the common sense of my sister in low. I think Feng Shui is a chinese "science" dificult tho undestund for a occidental people.

I'm tired, Jason . I try to write tomorrow.

Have you a nice day.


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