Aboriginal art Australia and Spain

Aboriginal art Australia and Spain

Postby Patriciagey » Mon Sep 24, 2012 10:02 am

• How far back does Aboriginal culture date? (How long have Aborigines lived in Australia?)
Aborigines have lived in Australia for a very long times, it thought that they arrived in the continent 40.000-50.000 years ago.

• When did Europeans come to Australia?
Europeans from UK arrived in Australia at the end of the eightieth century.

• What happened when they came?
English people started to use the earth for agriculture and ranching so they order the aborigines go out from the places where they had lived for a long time and there were a lot of battles. Besides, when aborigines had to leave the places where they were living because of English people, they didn`t have food to eat so that there were some desvastating famines and a lot of illness.

• What is a didgeridoo?
It is an air instrument made of Wood that Aborigines used to play at the same time that somebody sang or some people danced.

• Look at some more examples of Aboriginal art.
Albert Namatjira (28th of June 1902 – 8th of August 1959) is one of the most important Australian painter. His pictures inspired Hermannsburg art aborigen school.

• Is there anything on the Internet about indigenous art of your country?
Yes, of course there are a lot about indigenous art of Spain on the Internet. In fact, in Spain there are some caves very famous because there are very old pictures of animals in their walls.

Re: Aboriginal art Australia and Spain

Postby Admin » Tue Sep 25, 2012 7:32 am

Good work Patricia, thanks for sending this information! Can I help you with a couple of sentences?
it thought that they arrived = It is thought they arrived...
they order the aborigines go out from the places = ..ordered the Aborigenes to leave the places.. Or you could say: They pushed the Aborigenes off the land..
See you again soon!
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