research on doping

research on doping

Postby elizabeth » Tue Apr 03, 2018 1:32 am

Doping is a subustance of medical pratique or a terapeutic purpose,due to to efficiency psico-pysique or a race or a a training both agonistic or not from the side of an atlete.The use of doping is Always used in agonistic race and it's seen as an infraction of the etyc of sport and of some comittee both in the penality legislation and lead to some bad effects in particular which lead to Death.The story of doping starts from the Greek world the substance for the doping are a lot due to the synthesis of the pharmacology and to the medical science.They llet to maximimize the muscle and the strenght also the oxygen tissue or to minimize the perception of the pain or to the variation or the body weigh,at the end can also lead to the failure of result of the doping check.The fight against doping with the Death of the cyclòist Danese Knid Enemark Johnson during the Olympc Game of Rome1960.THe OLympic International comittee and some sportivre organized a task force to study the way tocontrast doping.THe first results began after the decouvert of a sprinter Ben Johnson who was found with a postive stable in the OLympc of Seul and with the cold oF in 1989 War when the Mondial authority created the world(World Anti Doping Agency) the conutry of the East COuntry have acted the role of supremacy using during 1950 and 1960.Othet cases are the one of Tommy Simpson who died on the slope of Mont Ventoux for a cardiac problem for the used of doping and with Lance Amstrong SANK IN 1912 wHO won seven Tour de France from 1999 to 2005 consecutive and also the OLympic game.Epo is a ormone products to the human being from the lawns of the brain to the production of the red corpuscule from the side of the marrow.It's used a doping substance to maximize the muscle tone and cardiac and to improve the sportive performances .Tennis players ,cycyclists,football players have used it.

Re: research on doping

Postby Admin » Tue Apr 03, 2018 8:50 am

Thanks for doing the task Elisabeth! One question: what do you mean by agonistic? Can you explain?
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Re: research on doping

Postby agonistic » Tue Apr 03, 2018 11:13 pm

Agonistic has its roots in Ancient Greece specially in the agonistic(to use the oldest sense of the world) atletic contests called against featured at public festivals.From pysical conflit to verbal jousting "agonistic" came to be used as a synonym for augmentative and later to mean striving for a effect or straived.Common current use,however,is biological relating to controversial interaction among animals at the same species and the responsive behaviours such as aggresion,flight or submission they exibit.Agonistic is also sometimes used to describe an agonist muscle, a muscle that on contracting is automatically checked and controlled by an opposite muscle,that other muscle being an antagonist.For example,during a bicep curl in weigh lifting the(contracted ) bicep is the against muscle and the( relaxed) triceps muscle is the antagonist


Postby elizabeth » Wed Apr 04, 2018 5:01 pm

Agonistic is the way you train yourself every day in maches and you achieve your goal winning medals, Championsphip ,you are en-rolled in teams and you practises every days as routine life the sport you like better,every day you keep fit,you train your body with your coach with your trainer,with partner with friends, wiith classmates.
You often find most every day in Gym ,in swimming -pool,in slope ,in court,in track to train ,or to play matches or kick bools into the net or running kilometers at hours in the field passing the ball to the players of your team or do a lot of gymnastics with machines in a way to be prepared to win races.
Agonistic people trains hours ,hours to be prepared ,it and redone every day a lot of exercices

Re: research on doping

Postby elizabeth » Fri Oct 26, 2018 5:07 pm

side effects of anabolic steroids:

in men
impaired liver function
increase in estrogen
erectile disfunction
increased *censured* drive
male pattern baldnss
risk of heart failure
side effects in women
hair loss
male pattern baldness
hypertropy of the clitories
increase *censured* drive
irregular of mestrul cycle
development of masculine facial traits
increased coarseness of the skin
premature closure of the epiphysis
deepening of the voice.

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