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Sat Mar 31, 2018 4:01 am
by elizabeth
1)Should doping in sport be legalised?I think doping should be not legalised because drugs are substances that must be banned in the world.They are the most dangerous
things in the world they make people feel very unwell,they leads to Death ,they are a danger for twenty-one century's society,they are a cancer,they are a danger for the body.Drugs should be not legalised.They ruins the corps of men and women,the mainkind,the brain,they lead to some diseases for example to hiv.
2)Will it ever be possible to stop athlete braking the rules to win?Athele sometimes uses drugs as cocaine to win matches for example Maradona,a Naples footballer who played in the team of Naples during his career used a lot of coaine to win matches.Drug is the most horrible way to win matches, it 's a channel not to enter in.It's something that destroy the carrer.I hope that villains who sells it must be put in jail,and it's a war in society between man and women there is a rich trafficker.
3)Athele IF they are found by their coachers their team,are cheated by ad by finance by the public,are arrasted,are fined.
Re: doping
Sun Apr 01, 2018 11:58 pm
by elizabeth
Drugs are illegal but there are country for example Amsterdam where drugs are legal.There are sometimes some athlete who are not guilty for example Marco Pantani an Italian cyclist was found Death in Rimini because he was native of this region.It's said he was found with the a postive doping during his carrer and when he died he presumed he was found with a positive stample but his family and others people thought that Pantani was killed and didn't take cocaine in his carrer and the night he was found Death he was murdered and he didn't take.In Cesenatico ,there is his museum ,there are the bycles used by him in some races and the t-shirts used in them ,and pieces of newspapers where thre is narrated his life,and there is also his tomb in Cesenatico.I went there two summers ago because I went there for vacation in August with my mother
Re: doping
Mon Apr 30, 2018 2:09 am
by elizabeth
I think doping is an enhancing substance which has been sold by club ,coachers ,trainers underneath the matches or during training because thier boss want them to win in every way in competions.I think in sport you have to win in every way because you don't raise money.Competivness leads sporstmen to win
Re: doping
Mon Apr 30, 2018 4:46 am
by elizabethr
Doping is a substance which is considered a drug and we have to divide drugs in two different sectors cocaine ,and Epo and steroids and the hormone growht they are different problems in a team in a sportsman they are substance which one can take to Death and to enhance the corps but after that it ruines the men it destroyes the most important trafficker comes to Naples where is Mafia and Camorra which makes a lot of traffickA and exported to America on the contrary the Others substances enlarlged the corps and makes made fast in some matctes of the body and ruined the brain
Re: doping
Mon Apr 30, 2018 5:08 am
by elizabeth
It takes to lung disease as smoking and to tell an important film story about Mafia and drugs is the godfather oF Vito Corleone the most famous narrated story about Sicily and the South of Italy and the most shot in location about this problem and the most read because there is also the book written on it .
Re: doping
Mon Apr 30, 2018 5:49 am
by elizabeth
There are two important murderds comitted by Mafia in the year of 1998 caused by these substances the killings of Borsellino and Falcone there were two bombs made by Rina and Buscetta which were found guilty by the press by talk show ,audience and parliaments and politics and by the State and there were some processes against these villains in reality tv which have been brodcasted in tv
Re: doping
Mon Apr 30, 2018 6:44 am
by elizabeth
Those substances creates the sportsmen and the men and women as nasty people as innsene human beings without heart,and make them lose their intelligence and raise the men as criminals ,as assassins like Buscetta and Borsellino and Others criminals ,
Re: doping
Mon Apr 30, 2018 11:36 am
by elizabeth
another villain is Cesare Battisti found guilty of differents murderds and differnts kidnepppings and with cocaine in his hands by police and considered as one of the most Brazilian smuggler .
Re: doping
Mon Apr 30, 2018 11:31 pm
by elizabeth
I think in Fifa there is some Mafia which take doping in sport and those illegal substusance.
Re: doping
Tue May 01, 2018 3:24 am
by elizabeth
The comettee under doping is trying to discover beteen RussiAN federation DOPING And to no let partecipate to the mondial 2018
Re: doping
Tue May 01, 2018 8:36 pm
by elizabeth
I think Cesare Battisti has ruined sports with the use oF EPO because he hit a bomb in a center of a marothon and and he ruined it because he revenge I suppose the trafficker of this band substance it happened IN Venezuela.
I think also parents sometimes purchasing the matches making theis son selling to the use of those illegals products which ruines the body of these kids which grows withouth a positive example of culture of example,and some parents destoyes the life of children making win them in every sort of way and putting the stripe of the win with the use of doping but withouth making the people noticed the use of those substance is undearth the matCHES
Re: doping
Tue May 01, 2018 8:48 pm
by elizabeth
Epo has ruined also a tennis-player because for example there was found in amedecine some Epo a medecine which was considered legal but found illegal by the comitee of anti-doipng.The growth of hormone has been used by some boxers as Tennison in his matches,and also he was found with a Epo postitve stample he is so made of these substances that he has sad to have made some sexual abuses to women
Re: doping
Wed May 02, 2018 12:08 am
by elizabeth
Some villains also uses to forge some false jewelery some false money or steal things to obtain money to buy or to sell those substances,the use of diamonds or the stealings of some importants paintings unriched those trafficker .
Re: doping
Wed May 02, 2018 12:23 am
by elizabeth
I think in Greek time the used of Epo where used by warrior to make some imprtant epic gestures and used it in some OlympIc races in some OlImpiades and by romans in battles to conquers pays and to used in Arene like Colosseo to win against the villains they fought with bullfhighings and in battles with bows and arrows and to win women of others shelters
Re: doping
Mon Sep 03, 2018 9:36 pm
by elizabeth
I think in some war the soldiers won the villains and destroyed countries and shelters and raped women