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PostPosted: Fri Feb 21, 2020 1:04 am
by Leticia Guerrero

Is it posible someone could travel 2 or 3 hours on a train and really think they had arrived in Turkey?
When we don’t travel enough everything is posible because we know a bit. Now if we have an application, we always will realice where we are. I think this woman didn`t have anything about that and she just trusted in her intuition nonetheless It is advisable that we check the place that we want to go before we start out, where it is it, what I can buy, eat, which places are the most expensive and can visit, etc. If I don’t do it I will have the risk of losing something interesting or a hotel less expensive or whatever.
Has anything happened to you because you mispronounced or didn`t understand a word or a name in another language?
No, I haven’t had the experience yet and I hope I don’t have it. It must be an awful and shameful situation above all in you are asking a job and say an offense when you are thinking that you are saying thanks. Do you believe it?. Heavens above!