Interesting Language Facts

Interesting Language Facts

Postby Yameli Caraza » Wed Dec 12, 2018 2:46 pm

I investigate in different places from the internet and I came across with a web site that has 12 interesting facts. I really like that site.
1. There are 2,700 languages with over 7,000 individual dialects spoken around the world today. The most widely spoken languages are Chinese, Spanish, English, and Hindi, in that order.
2. Every two weekd, another language dies. Or, perhaps, a dialect. There are over 231 completely extict languages and 2,400 of the world's languages are considered to be in danger of dying out.
3. The Bible is the most widely translated book available in 2,454 different languges. Pinnochio is a close second.
4. The language with the largest alphabet in the world belongs to the Cambodian language Khmer and is 74 characters long. The shortest alphabet is 12 characters long, and belongs to Rotokas.
5. Over 300 languages are spoken in the United Stated, but South Africa holds the record for the country with the most official languages.
6. The oldest known languages include Sanskrit, Sumerian, Hebrew, and Basque.
7. Language is thought to have originated circa 100,00 BC.
8. Language developed to strengthen social ties amongst our ancestors.
9. Learning a second language can make you smarter.
10. Languages are constantly influencing each other.
11. There are over 200 artificial languages that have been invented for books, television, and movies, including 13 distinct languages in the Tolkien universe.
12. Despite that, onomatopoeias are not shared across languages.

Those are the 12 facts and I like them. I already know that the Bible was the book with more translations. But there where a couple that took me by surprise. Now with the fact #8 I agree. I think that before languages the nomads will who something like this:

Male nomad: uh uh uh ahahaha mmm
Female nomad: bu bu bu ba
Male nomad: ah aha ah aha
Female nomad (turns around and leave)
male nomad (hits the woman in the head with a rock)
Yameli Caraza

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