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PostPosted: Wed Jan 26, 2011 3:00 pm
by Net Languages
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Net Languages

Betty Ross - Missing people

PostPosted: Wed Jan 11, 2012 12:28 pm
by mkorhone
1. What do you think?
What do you think might have happened to Betty Ross? For example, do you think she was kidnapped? Did her husband have anything to do with it?
I think there must have been happened something criminal to Betty Ross. She might have been murdered or kidnapped. She had two children and surely she wanted to take care of them. There have been told also that her car had been set on fire deliberately the week before. If it had not been any accident it could have been done by her husband.
Of course there is no evidence about the guilty of her husband. He has a cast-iron alibi which proves that he was working at the time of Betty's disappearance. However he might have asked someone else to murder Betty.
It is also possible but not very likely that Betty have had a nervous breakdown and left somewhere. However it is difficult to believe that she could be alive any more because no money has been withdrawn from her bank account.
We do not know if Betty is a rich woman or not. Of course if she had got much money her husband would has had a motive to murder her and then he could get her money because they have not divorced yet.
This is a very sad story to everyone. Her children, relatives and friends (maybe to Jack too) must have been shocked. It would be easier if Betty found - even thought dead.

2. Missing people.
In some countries there are regular television programmes about missing people. They tell the story about a missing person, interview relatives, and invite viewers to help find the person. Do you have a programme like this in your country? Is it popular? Do you watch it? What interesting case histories do you remember?
We have television programmes about missing people also in Finland. Maybe these programmes are popular. I don't watch them because we haven't TV nowadays. However sometimes I read articles about missing people. Usually these stories are terrible and I get only nightmares if I read them. Therefore I try to avoid thinking these kinds of stories. Of course it is important to help people whose friend has missed. Maybe I prefer praying that everyone could live without any fears for their safety.

Best regards Maarit

Re: New Forums

PostPosted: Thu May 19, 2016 5:45 pm
by Oriol

I think that Betty was kidnapped and killed and her body was hidden or buried. Perhaps someone rang to her home and she opened the door to her murderer. And it's very possible that the person who set on fire her car deliberately was the same person that killed her. I also think that her murderer was a professional killer because he or she kidnapped or killed her without any signs of violence. It's a pity that noboby in the street could see what happened when she opened the door, because in this case, police would have a clue to investigate. And I don't think that she decided to run away from her home and her life because it makes no sense.

