1. What about you?
I like to go to the park with my son. We tried to walk a lot and go new places. A typical ride is the zoo lately and we are thinking of going to a Farm School.
When I lived in Argentina the weekend we were very much in the house of relatives and friends, as many people here do not have known, we take this time off for a walk or just be with family.
Strolling through Madrid is a good hobby because there are many places to go, with beautiful scenery and architecture.
I also like going out to eat and go to the movies or a drink with friends, never harm a beer and a sandwich.
2. Holiday activities.
When we go on holiday we like to go to quiet places and where we can enjoy with our son. The beach is a place that we like a lot but also from time to time we want to go to the mountain. A nice place in Spain is Girona, because it combines both scenery, beach Mountain, even as we need to know many places in Spain who say they are beautiful. I would also like to know Italy, but for the moment not in the plans.
When we leave we do not like to stay quiet on a site, try to walk, go for a walk and learn as much as possible locations.