Famous persons

Famous persons

Postby Antonio Manuel » Wed Nov 04, 2009 4:22 pm

Who is the famous person ?
1.- He`s spanish.
He`s a sportsperson.
He was born in 1964.
He has five Tours of France and two Giros of Italy.
He`s retired from competition.
2.- He was born in 1547.
He lived under Felipe II`s reign.
He was writer.
His pseudonym is "The Lepanto`s one-handed"
His foremost book is "D. Quijote of the Mancha".
3.- He was born in 1852.
He's spanish.
He studed medicine.
He writed several books about "Human Nervous System".
He gots a lots premium for his works and the best was the Nobel Premium of Histology and Medicine, in 1906.
Antonio Manuel

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