Unit 5. Discussion topics

Unit 5. Discussion topics

Postby Montse Garcia » Wed Apr 23, 2014 12:43 pm

2. I believe it is important not to interrupt students when they are speaking as far as others can understand what they are saying. There are different speaking activities; more controlled and less controlled. So, if we are practicing a specific grammar point and they are making a mistake I think it’s important to let them know that they did a mistake, but not interrupting all the speech, because otherwise they get lost and then they don’t say anything. It is important to create a friendly class environment.

4. I like to teach them that learning a language is like learning how to ride a bike. I tell them that for sure when they were learning how to ride a bike they fell many times. However, they stood up and kept trying. So learning a language is the same process. When you make a mistake is when you fall off your bike but it doesn’t happen anything, you must keep working or cycling!
I usually get some sentences from their writings and we check them in groups and then with the whole class. I think this kind of activity is very useful.
Montse Garcia

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