Unit 1 - Classroom Management – Mixed-Ability Classes

Unit 1 - Classroom Management – Mixed-Ability Classes

Postby Ahuitzotl Niño R. » Mon Oct 16, 2017 11:09 pm

1. What factors do you consider important in causing mixed ability? Put these in order of importance for you:
previous exposure
learning style

3. "Every group is a mixed-ability group." Do you agree with this? What are the implications of this statement for teachers?

I think that human thinking and human behaviour should not have an established standard or pattern, much less in the educational process. In learning process, according to several authors of human thinking and human behaviour, there are different factors that take place in this process. The way in which the factors are considered in the process of learning and the way that this is carried out, depends exclusively on the teacher, who detects certain skills in his students and the one that takes them into account. The way in which you take advantage of those opportunities will depend on your skills and strategies to develop a useful lesson.
Ahuitzotl Niño R.

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