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Mixed- ability classroom

PostPosted: Thu Oct 12, 2017 12:22 am
by annyfv
2. Look again at the classroom scenarios in exercise 1 and the solutions suggested by teachers. What do you think of the teachers' suggestions? What else would you do in these situations?
I think they are real suggestions from teachers who are in front of a class, they're not only theoretical opinions. In my personal opinion this is what we need to change in public education politics . What else I would do in these situations? I always try to take into account the studentĀ“s background and their personal context when planning my class.

3.- "Every- group is a mixed- ability group" Do you agree with this? What are the implications of this statement for teachers?
Yes, I agree, I think this factor is what makes this work interesting and challenging as teachers. For me sometimes it is a hardworking task, that make me plan and include changes according to studentĀ“s needs.