Mixed- Ability classroom

Mixed- Ability classroom

Postby Ros » Wed Oct 11, 2017 9:07 pm

* What factors do you consider important in causing mixed- ability?
Order of importance for me:

- Personality
- Motivation
- Aptitude
- Attitude
- Learning style
- Previous exposure

* What do you think of the Teacher suggestions? Every Teacher suggestions have the intention to help Ss to make them feel taken into account asking their opinions about the topics. For teenengers is important to work in groups and Teacher considerated this facor to assign tasks.

*What else would you do in these situations?

I would add this suggestions:
- Ask Students to answer a survey about interers and a multiple intelligences test at the beggining of the school year so that as a Teacher you can consider all these information at the momento of elaborate the year lesson plan.
- Analyse the learners needs and grade the activities according to the predominant level in class.
- Ask Ss to work in pairs or groups of four, so that two Students with hihger English level help the other two Students with a basic level.
- As a Teacher I woul elicit my Stuvents to implement a leaners diary so that they keep a record the things they learnt.

Every group is a mixed- ability group. Do you agree with this? Yes I agree. As a Teacher I am aware that in almost every classroom I will find a mixed-ability group, at least in federal schools is a reality that I hve to face in every single group.

What are the implications of these statements for Teachers?
This statement implicate that as a Teacher I need to considerate that this kind of gruops requires that I know my Students leaning style, interests, level and to analyse all this information so that I can design strategies to reach the aim of the class.

Mixed ability is usually considered to be a problem but it is? could there be some advantages to having Student of different levels and abilities in the same class?
I think that when you get to used to work with this kind of gruops you don´t see it as a problem instead you see it as a challenge and you have the opportunity to work with multiple resources in order to reach all your Students. I consider that it help you to always be inovating and improving your teaching skills

Re: Mixed- Ability classroom

Postby Guest » Sun Dec 01, 2019 7:32 pm

What factors do you consider important in causing mixed- ability?
Order of importance for me:
learning style
previous exposure

Mixed ability is usually considered to be a problem but it is? could there be some advantages to having Student of different levels and abilities in the same class?

I think that in some ways mixed ability is considered to be a problem because the students who are not good at language at the moment can be dissappoined in their abilities therefore their motivation may decrease and the interest to classes and language can be lost. But on the other hand slow-minded and low-motivated students can look at their class collegues and use them as a kind of motivation for further studies.

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