Unit 9 - Projects

Unit 9 - Projects

Postby Daniela Castr » Tue Aug 08, 2017 6:27 pm

1.- Choose the project below that you think would work best in your class. Explain why you think it's the best choice.

I currently do not work with children; nevertheless, I think a project where students would have to find out about food and health I think would be the best project.
This could be a great project not only because they could practice structures and specific vocabulary in English but also because this kind of project could be an excellent example of cross curricular project for the class.
First the students could practice animals and/or animals that are edibles that they might have studied in the "Natural Science" class and maybe, this project could also be part of the "Ethics" class where students could create a food pyramid telling which kind of food people should eat more often.

2.- What other kinds of projects have you (or other teachers you know) done?

Since I currently do not work with children I don't have an opinion on the matter.
Daniela Castr

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