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Postby Johnoro » Tue Nov 28, 2023 4:02 pm

How police tactics differ across the world

The knee on neck discipline used by Derek Chauvin in the death of George Floyd, For whose murder Chauvin was convicted, Is banned in most of Europe just outside of France. Armed police such as all those fatally shot Breonna Taylor in her apartment in Louisville, Ky, Last month are not part of routine law enforcement in places such as Iceland or Norway. The Minnesota officer who stopped Philando Castile's car and fatally shot him in 2016 would have been violating Finland's strict protocols for the use of deadly force.

In places which include Brazil, Egypt, Kenya and recently Hong Kong accusations of police violence are common, And the agencies are often seen by rights groups as being held accountable less frequently than those in the world.

But in other countries, specifically many in Europe, The police practices that are causing outrage in the usa are either entirely banned or are far more strictly regulated. There have been some changes in north america following years of organizing by activists and repeated police killings of Black Americans. Many police forces inside the now ban the neck restraint used by Chauvin, that also on April 20, over a year after Floyd's death, Was convicted of murder and manslaughter.

this approach has also worked in at least one nation with a relatively high gun ownership rate by European standards: Iceland. based on the GunPolicy database, There were around over 30 firearms per 100 civilians in Iceland in 2017, opposed to five firearms per 100 people in Britain. (north america had 120.5 guns per 100 inhabitants in 2017, using the Small Arms Survey.) continue to be, Iceland's police do not [-censured-=]latamdate scam[/-censured-] repeatedly carry firearms.

5 countries where most law enforcement officials do not carry firearms and it works well

George Floyd death on May 25 has spurred people across the globe to call out what they see as racial injustices and police brutality in their own countries. (video footage: the alexa company Juliana Ard, Rick Noack/The miami Post)

Iceland's crime rate is far less than the United States' and so is inequality and poverty. In Britain and Ireland with significantly higher crime rates than Iceland resistance to equipping police officers with firearms has historically come from inside police forces.

enemy attacks in London, birmingham and New Zealand's Christchurch, a few, lately have mounted pressure on some countries to make armed police the standard rather than for special operations. After a gunman killed 51 people in strategies on two mosques in Christchurch in March 2019, New Zealand partly abandoned its approach of having only a select number of senior officers carry firearms. It widened the pool of firearms carrying police officers for a six month trial period, And an assessment is now under way.

Americans are moderately more heavily armed than Europeans, A factor Hirschfield said could lead police to advance and use deadly force faster.

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But Hirschfield said another key factor is the legal framework. the ecu Convention on Human Rights allows police to use deadly force that is "essential, as opposed, Police in the states are permitted if they have a "plausible belief" That their life is in danger. Under these differing basics, A police shooting might be lawful in the states and not according to European standards, thought Hirschfield.

eu countries set their own regulations within the commission's framework. Some united states have stricter rules than others. with Ffound inland, as an example, A cop is expected if possible to seek a superior's approval before using deadly force. vacation, If possible the police must first fire a warning shot and shoot at a non vital part of the body before they can shoot to kill, discussed Hirschfield, Citing his look for.

In protests against police brutality, Videos capture more alleged police violence

primary rules around neck restraint?

depending on Minneapolis Police Department's own rules the day of Floyd's death, The guitar's neck hold, Or carotid restraint in which officer Chauvin pushed his knee onto Floyd's neck for nearly nine minutes to limit blood flow should only be used when the officer fears for their life. together with the trial, Several police experts testified that Chauvin failed to adhere to his training. new york Police Lt. anthony Mercil, The use of force sponsor for Chauvin's department, Called the aid of restraint "Active violence,

Derek Chauvin guilty of murder and manslaughter in the death of George Floyd

In every bit of Europe, law enforcement are banned from using many kinds of neck restraints, Sometimes also referred to as a chokehold, asserted Hirschfield. Germany allows law enforcement to only briefly use a version of it, In which pressure is for the moment applied to the head (in addition to neck) To subdue a friend or acquaintance. Belgium forbids police from completely leaning on a suspect even quickly, in line with the Associated Press.

One omission is France, Where on May 28 officers used it to solve a Black man in an incident captured by bystanders. with Hong Kong, Police are also examining a case in which a man died after police restrained and held him face down during an arrest.

'Nonlethal weapons' fired at protesters in Hong Kong, Chile and Iraq are having very dangerous even deadly effects

Under global marketplace law, "Police should only use force as a last measure and to the minimum extent possible, And neck vices are treated as a serious form of violence, Said patrick Wilcken, A science tecnistions on military, Security and policing issues with London based Amnesty arena. Police training can compare to Europe?

A police officer in the us trains for an average of 19 months before being put on the job. In involving Europe, It's three years.

"Training is an infinitely more lengthy process in countries with national policing, mentioned Hirschfield. "You can impose national standards much without difficulty, And enforce them much quicker,

Here's how to identify the the authorities officers and military personnel who have been mobilized in response to protests around the death of George Floyd. (video training: Jonathan Baran/The arizona Post)

"within these more politicized contexts, Local structures are those that decide about policing, had to talk about Hirschfield. "The mayors and city counsels are in charge of regulating police occasionally the police exert a lot of influence on the policy process,

He included, "Any time they try to adopt a reform the cost is directly on the police, [so] There's no national police paying. which make it harder to reform.

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