Whose planning style is most like your your own, Deniz's, Paolo's, Erika's or name of these? Why?
In my case my planning is almost like Deniz's because when I plan I consider the aims that there is in the syllabus and look up activities for my students taking into account students' interests which I get through a quiz. I use the internet and I try to combine all type of exercises. I select the most interesting exercises of the topis in the coursebook such as listening and speaking activities and role plays. I also put some projects where they have to research the vocabulary that they will need and use the previous knowlegde that they have.
2.- Which qualities do you think are the most important in planning a unit of work? Give your reasons. Choose from the list and add others if necessary.
Obviously in a planning there must be a variety atherwise it would be monotonous and boring and students' attention would be lost, the logic order is another important factor you havee to know how to start off and finish and the exact moment in that you have to change the grammar structure or introduction other topic. Another just as important is relevance which there must be in all activities at the same time they are reflected in the students' life on the contrary it will be very hard of learning when these don`t have an utility or aren't meaningful. The cohesion is also important among the themes since they must present something of join as well as flow for advance chord of the students.
3.-When do you plan a lesson do you..?
When I plan I do with series of lessons. I look up the aims and how to relate with the coursebook's and I select the most important activities being that I sometimes use the book supplement it with the internet. I think I don`t plan in great detail. I start with a general idea of what will fit.
4.-What advice would you give a new teacher who says. I spend hours and hours planning a scheme of work. I seem to go round and round, not getting anywhere?
Don't worry. Try to vary your activities besides that they are projected to the students' life.