Lesson planning

Lesson planning

Postby fonix1159 » Sat Oct 15, 2011 6:53 pm

Unit 2

When I plan a lesson, I try to include the skills by doing different types of activities. I do not always follow the same pattern, it depends on the topic we are working and on the age and size of the group of students. I follow the syllabus to work the grammar and vocabulary when I consider it is logical, and I work the four main skills in each unit but in very different ways. If the students are adults, I think that I would do something similar to Erika but if the group is of teenagers, and you have more than 20 students in a classroom, Deniz’s system seems more logical.

Re: Lesson planning

Postby Admin » Thu Nov 03, 2011 11:56 am

Hi Fonix, I think your way of planning sounds very sensible: what works with one age group won't work with another. I seem to remember from my teaching of teenagers that I had to plan my lessons much more carefully and leave nothing to chance, whereas with adults, lessons could be more open-ended. In any case, whatever the age group it's important to have variety - otherwise people go to sleep!
Take care,
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