

Postby adriancostea » Sun Mar 09, 2008 10:23 am

I think that I am more like Paolo when planning a lesson because I work with adults at IH and like Deniz when I prepare my lessons for school because I work at IH just part time.
When preparing the lessons for IH I want to do as many activities and games as possible .
I usually start with a small chat about their day tending to introduce the topic of the lesson and to bring their attention to the lesson ahead. By starting with a chat the students also know each other better and get the feeling that they really form a class

Regarding the qualities which are the most important in planning a unit of work, i would rank them as follows:

Relevance is important since I teach business English so all the activities must be connected to this, one way or another.
Balance is important in order not to bore the students, especially when they are tired because they have been working all day.
Logic is important because if you don`t follow a mind plan and don`t link the activities in a logical order you get chaos. Activities must flow from one into another naturally and logically

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