Unit 2 Discussion Topic

Unit 2 Discussion Topic

Postby Montse Pi » Sun Dec 06, 2015 12:09 pm

1. Read the three teachers' quotes again. Whose planning style is most like your own – Deniz's, Paolo's, Erika's or none of these? Why?

My planning style is most like Deniz one's. The reason is because I am a secondary's teacher like her. Moreover I like starting off by deciding on the aims of the lesson when I plan each lesson. Also I think that it is important to have a logical order in order not to lose their attention.

2. Which qualities do you think are most important in planning a unit of work? Give your reasons. Choose from this list, and add others if necessary:

According to my point of view all these qualities are very important, but If I have to choose one, I would say that "variety" is the most important one. People, teenagers in particular, are bored when you make the class very monotonous. So, I would add to this list: "Motivation".

3. When you plan a lesson, do you...

a. plan one lesson at a time, or a series of lessons?
c. use the coursebook a lot?
d. plan in great detail?
e. start with a general idea of what will "fit"?

4. What advice would you give a new teacher who says, "I spend hours and hours planning a scheme of work: I seem to go round and round, not getting anywhere"?

You have to know the aims of your lesson. However you have to be aware of the variety of the students and sometimes you have to change and be flexible too.
Montse Pi

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