Unit 2

Unit 2

Postby Rosa Visa » Sat Jul 20, 2013 5:50 pm

1. Paolo’s planning style would be the most similar to what I did with my groups when I tought Spanish to foreigners. Variety of activities is important because most of the students had been working all the day. I combined the different skills ( reading, listening, grammar and vocabulary) in different lessons, though I try to do speaking practice with them in every lesson.

2. In planning a unit of work balance of activities and skills practice is one of the most important to make sure the students get to practice the different aspects of the language. Cohesive lessons (usually basing the lesson on a topic ) also helps them relate the different activities they do.

3.I started with a general idea of what will "fit", because it's very important for them.

4. Probably this teacher needs somebody to helps him the way to use different skills and what's the way to program a lesson.
Rosa Visa

Re: Unit 2

Postby Hell » Sun Jul 21, 2013 5:23 pm

1. Erika's way because I thinkis important students deciding partially what they want to learn so they can feel more motivated and they feel responsible for their learing process.
2.First of all logic is important because it gives cohesion to the lesson. Secondly relevance, the more relevant a topic is the more inclined students will feel to invest time in it. Thirdly, balance between the listening, speaking, reading and writing skills. Finally variety and flow are linked so the more we vary the activities' type the more the class will flow.
3. I plan one lesson at a time, starting with the aims, using the coursebook a lot, planning in great detail but starting with a general idea of what will fit students' interests and needs.
4. I would suggest to use the coursebook as a guide and I find always inspiring to ask your colleagues for extra games and online resources to implement the class in terms of variety.

Re: Unit 2

Postby Admin » Wed Jul 24, 2013 1:18 pm

I agree with everything you say Hell, and yes, variety IS the key! And good point about the staff room being the most important resource avaliable to a teacher - that is so true. Asking questions in the staff room is how I learned to teach.
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