planning a unit of work

planning a unit of work

Postby Anna » Sat Sep 24, 2011 6:11 pm

I think I am a bit like Deniz, I like order and I think kids need to know the procedure too, but I don't think I am that strict in terms of doing the same every day! I always try to guess the mood of the day in class and adapt myself and the contents to the situation. When planning a unit I always have variety, logic, balance between skills and cohesion into account. I can't be teaching grammar or doing listening a whole hour! I think it's important students work the different skills daily so they have a bit of everything. I always plan units on a term basis, and that is about 3 units a term (out of 10). We usually discuss the aims of the unit, I use the coursebook as a guide and try to find additional material on the net or in apps. I don't think I plan in great detail, and of course I think what will fit is important.
To a teacher who spends hours planning a scheme of work and doesn't get anywhere, first of all, I would tell him/her not to panic! One always learns through trial and error and I think all of us have some way or other experienced the same concern

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