Planning a unit of work

Planning a unit of work

Postby nellybcn » Mon Apr 12, 2010 1:50 pm

1. Perhaps Deniz planning style is the most similar to mine because I think the first thing you have to bear in mind is which is the aim of the lesson. Moreover, I also think that in order to succeed you need to present a logical order of the content of the class. This helps the lesson flow and keeps the students on track. However, I think that it is also very important that this content is relevant and motivating for the students so that they do not turn off. We will achieve this mixing different types of drills and using interesting extra-material.

2. For me, the most important qualities in planning a unit of work are logic, flow and variety.

3. I plan my lessons one by one. I start with the aims and I alternate grammar and skills working out the coursebook and complementary extra-activities which I use depending on how the path of the class is going.

4. I think you should start planning the class by defining the aims of the lesson. Once your have this clear decide how you can get to it depending on the type of students you have.

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