Planning a unit of work

Planning a unit of work

Postby dianatanasache » Mon Apr 14, 2008 7:43 pm

I think that Paolo’s planning style is more like my own because I also teach adults who are motivated to learn English and tend to focus mostly upon vocabulary and speaking activities. Taking into account the fact that they need skills work, I also try to find a balance of activities to maintain the students’ attention throughout the lesson. So I could say that variety is probably the most important factor which influences teaching and learning in the same time.

When planning a lesson, I set some aims first in order to identify the learning outcomes to be achieved, and this provides the starting point for the assessment of students’ learning and progress. I work with course books, but I use additional materials as well, according to my students’ needs and aptitudes.
I strongly believe that using a range of teaching approaches will ensure the balance of skills and the involvement of all students in the learning activities.

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