Planning a unit of work

Planning a unit of work

Postby danabarbu » Sun Mar 02, 2008 5:17 pm

When planning a lesson a think I am more like Paolo, because my students are working adults, and they need a lot of variety, many different activities and games.

I also like to begin with a small game, in order to create the proper atmosphere and to get to know each other better. We do all types of "Find someone who..." games and we have discovered many interesting things about ourselves, and they seem to work better after that, thinking and laughing about what they have discovered. This also "brings" all of theme there, in class, with their minds set to English.

Regarding the qualities which are the most important in planning a unit of work, i would rank them as follows:
I think the most important is relevance because they have come to a business English class, and it must be this and nothing else. Balancing the activities is also important, because in this way the students never get bored. Activities come in a logical order, so as to be able to make some sense of the lesson, and this also gives cohesion. In the end, everything in the lesson flows, and the students always stay alert and attentive.

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