Unit 10 chapter 10

Unit 10 chapter 10

Postby tom » Tue Aug 27, 2013 10:57 pm

I use continuous assessments and as language is a continuous process, I think this is a must for all language teachers. I don't think it is difficult to evaluate with continuous assessments, however it is very important to create relevant tests(the tests shouldn't be too difficult nor too easy),so that they reflect and show the real level of the group and the individuals. It is obvious that continuous assessments create more work for us teachers rather than normal tests, I don't think you can compare them really. Normal tests look for a grade, or a level; whereas continuous assessments look for a level in order to improve each individual student. Here technology also can give us a big hand, my school, as I guess most of schools nowadays do, works with an online platform where grades are shown immediately to students and their parents. It allows to put comments and communicate with parents. So yes, maybe it's once again more work for us teacher, but for me and my students it is resulting very efficient, and only that is for me is worth the extra work.

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