Continuous Assessment

Continuous Assessment

Postby cameliadeaconu » Sat Jun 28, 2008 10:05 pm

Continuous assessment is very useful because it helps you keep track both of what was done during the course and of how the students have progressed. You have to know what was done in order to link the lessons effectively. Assessing the students is maybe even more important. You have to know who has certain problems in order to come up with the proper solution.

Re: Continuous Assessment

Postby cristinamoya » Mon Mar 02, 2009 9:24 pm

a. Do you use continuous assesssment? If not, why not?

Yes, of course, I always use it, no matter which level or age are the children.

b. Now look at the list of possible problems using continuous assessment. How can a teacher solve these problems?

1. Continous assessment can be difficult to evaluate.
Yes, sometimes it's a bit difficult and subjective, but teachers are trained to do this, so we are able to overcome it!

2. Continuous assessment can be a lot of work for the teacher.
No, if the teacher is good enough to plan and design grids and material.

3. Children or parents may not accept the value of it.
We have to explain them that it's important to keep a track of the children, of their progress, to know in what aspects they have improved and what other aspects they have to reinforce.

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