unit 4

unit 4

Postby Mariana » Sat Feb 22, 2020 1:27 pm

Oh. I;ve got many merry memory games, like "Simon Says", or "Count your fingers" - sometimes i play the ukulele to my pupils and they sign with me.
"Count your fingers, where are your fingers?" / First i can start - "One little finger, two little fingers, three little fingers, four and five, six little fingers, seven little fingers , eight and nine and ten, ten ,ten ( clapping hands or to touch some of parts of the body and name it together, like “ head head head, nose, nose, nose " and all. From the beginning we have slow rhythms and we can start to sing and clap rhythms faster.
another one game is " Jonny, oops". Easy level is when pupils touch his or her fingers and name it by music .

At first, Rhythm is slow than i make it faster. Level two - pupils name the parts of her (his) body . He can say or sing it.

Re: unit 4

Postby Irina » Sun Feb 23, 2020 7:42 am

Fot real begginers I often use "Simon says" and ask them to touch their body parts. It makes them funny and be competitive to touch the nose, for example, the first.
For elementary group, I ask them to touch nose but I point the ear. They need to follow the instruction, not the gestures.

Re: unit 4

Postby Oksana » Mon Mar 02, 2020 9:39 pm

To practice bode vocabulary I often use the game "Simon says" or some interpretation of it, like "teacher says", or some hero says, appropriate to the lesson, I can make the game more challenging, and divide them into pairs and they should find the parts of the body of the partner, or touch each other with just one part (for example leg), sometimes we sing the song or chant and show parts of the body, sometimes they all wait for my command for instance: touch your hands in a groups of four, so they have to create group and to the action at the same time.

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