Art exhibitions and events

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Re: Art exhibitions and events

Post by Ancor Jimenez » Tue May 01, 2018 11:37 am

In my humble opinion, it is fantastic to take part on a marvellous artist creation like this one. I have been in Reina Sofia Kusama's exhibition I found it great.

Art exhibitions and events

Post by Anna » Wed Apr 19, 2017 9:58 am

To be quite honest, I’m not very familiar or apprised with modern art. I must say that I’m not even interested in it. But I reckon it’s a form of expression that seeks new ways to awaken people up from their conformism with established rules of aesthetics. Anyway, it seems quite exciting to participate on creating a piece of art, especially for children, although I wouldn’t qualify “Obliteration Room” as a piece of art…rather an experiment with people’s behaviour. I wouldn’t take the result seriously; I’d dare to say that the artist doesn’t pretend so, either.
Art in public places obviously helps that people approach to it, because when one eases its access making it handier and closest, one eliminates the barriers of exclusivity that long has existed. It is one thing to make art more accessible to people, and another thing is to pretend that everyone is capable of creating something reasonably serious, unless we talk about children. In this case, it just comes down to having fun. This is the only case in which I think that art for the general public is useful. Children are free of prejudices and clichés, as If they were a white canvas where coloured dots can be stuck or paint tubes can be smeared. I remember a lot of very happy moments going to the museums with my son and some of his friends and becoming anonymous artists, but the best of all is that he himself still remembers them.

Re: Art exhibitions and events

Post by Admin » Wed Jan 29, 2014 10:16 am

Hi Maarit, at the moment it's too cold to swim and the waves are too high. The Mediterranean can be quite dangerous, the weather can change quickly and you have to be careful. People drown all the time.. Normally I have my first swim of the year around Easter time. But traditionally Catalan people never go swimming before Sant Joan, the 23rd of June! And September 1st the swimming season is over for them. Only tourists swim before and after these dates! :)
See you,

Re: Art exhibitions and events

Post by Maarit » Tue Jan 28, 2014 6:16 pm

Hi Pieter,
Thanks for your message and comments.
Nice to hear that you had a relaxing weekend – reading, cooking and going for walks on the beach. Wonderful. Do you like to swim or some other exercise on the beach? I miss weekends when I can be with my family without any responsibilities. Maybe I have taken too much tasks.
It is a learning experience that there is much younger kid in a family. We are very happy about our 9-year-old daughter. She is so full of energy. After Pauliina I started horse-riding. Hardly would I have started it if Pauliina had not been so interested in this hobby. I take care of horses now but horse-riding is not a good exercise for my back at this moment.
How is the winter in your country now? We have enjoyed our winter now when it is about -10 degrees. It is good temperature for skating and skiing.
Nice time to you

Re: Art exhibitions and events

Post by Admin » Tue Jan 28, 2014 9:15 am

Thanks for the information Maarit! Hm, these tables are not cheap - but I guess the price is worth it if it helps your back. About families: when I was 14 my parents had another baby - we ADORED her, it was such fun having a baby in the family. And the difference in our ages meant that there were no rivalries, the way there were between us older kids. I think it's a good thing.
Can I help with some expressions?
was skiing with my 9-year-old daughter = I went skiing..
Our son lives at home yet because of healthy reasons.= Our son still lives at home because of health reasons.
My husband bought it to me = ..bought it for me. Buy something for somebody.
See you soon,
P.S. I had a very lazy weekend: reading, cooking and going for walks on the beach!

Re: Art exhibitions and events

Post by Maarit » Mon Jan 27, 2014 5:15 pm

Hi Pieter,
I had a very nice weekend. Now weather has been nicer in Finland; temperature has been about -10 degrees already 3 days. So I was skiing with my 9-year-old daughter at weekend. Our eldest daughter was also at home and it was nice to see how they played together (our son and our daughters). Our older children are over 20 years old but they enjoy to be with their little sister. Our son lives at home yet because of healthy reasons.
Yes, I am very happy about my adjustable electric height desk. Actually I have a small desk at home and a bigger one at University. My husband bought it to me last autumn when my back was bad. It`s size is (100 x 120) cm so it is very suitable in our office at home. There is space for a computer and a book, no more. My desk at University has two part (about (120x250) cm + (100x150) cm). It is a L-shape desk. So it is quite big but however very handy.
The price of our smaller desk was 450 euros. I am not totally sure but I think that the price of the desk at University is about 1500 euros.
What about your weekend? Have a nice week!
Take care

Re: Art exhibitions and events

Post by Admin » Mon Jan 27, 2014 9:48 am

Very interesting, thank you Maarit! Are they expensive?
Hope you had a good weekend!


Re: Art exhibitions and events

Post by Maarit » Fri Jan 24, 2014 11:15 am

Hi Pieter,
I found more information about an adjustable height desk:

An adjustable height desk allows you to raise and lower your work surface and monitor throughout the day, enabling you to sit or stand while working. Adjustable height desks, also called sit-stand desks or standing desks, are sturdy and easy to use.

Why would anyone want to stand while working? Research has shown numerous health benefits associated with standing for as few as fifteen minutes for every hour spent on the job. Standing desks help to burn more calories, increase circulation, and improve productivity and alertness.

I like my desk and I believe that it is better my back and shoulder to work by standing than working by sitting.

Nice weekend to you.
See you

Re: Art exhibitions and events

Post by Admin » Fri Jan 24, 2014 8:51 am

Hi Maarit, thanks for your answer! Oh my goodness, -20º, that is shockingly cold. I think I experienced temperatures like that only once, when I was going to school in Minnesota one year. Minnesota is pretty far north, just under Canada. I remember some days it was impossible to stay outside for very long. So you have a special desk for using the computer? I have heard of this, but I never met anybody who tried it. That's very interesting. Everybody in our office has back problems from time to time, because we spend so many hours in front of the computer. Maybe we should try the standing desks!
Can I help you with some sentences?
Now we waited that it will become warmer. = Now we are waiting for it to become warmer.
too cold to me= It is too cold for me.
Pauliina does not think the coldness at all= Here you can say: She doesn't mind the cold at all. OR: She doesn't worry about the cold at all.

See you soon,

Re: Art exhibitions and events

Post by Maarit » Thu Jan 23, 2014 9:52 am

Hi Pieter,
Thanks for your message. I can believe that Kusama`s things have a playfulness and they are amusing. I have looked at them only in the Internet. It would be wonderful to see them in some day in live as well. I think Michelangelo`s the last supper and Vinci`s Mona Lisa are traditional and significant but of course there are lots of impressive pieces of art all over the world.
Now it has been very cold during the last three weeks (-20 to -30 degree) in the south part of Finland and almost -40 degree in the north part of Finland, Lapland. It was 0- +5 degree in the end of 2013 and we waited the winter. Now we waited that it will become warmer.
I like skiing but now it is too cold to me. It is funny that our 9-year-old daughter Pauliina does not think the coldness at all. She has not any problems with skating and horse riding even it is a little cold.
I am well. I have taught for three weeks after a Christmas break. Now I am quite busy with my students. The problem of my back is not bad now because of my electronic working table. I can work by standing and it helps me very much.
What about you? How are you? How was your Christmas and now your teaching?
Take care Maarit

Re: Art exhibitions and events

Post by Admin » Thu Jan 23, 2014 9:06 am

Thanks for your message Maarit! Kusama is an interesting case - she was quite important in the 60s I think, and then she vanished from the public eye. I had never heard of her until 2 summers ago, they had a huge exhibition of her work in New York. I know what you mean about "significant statement", but her things have a playfulness and they are amusing - which is also justifiable, I think, no?
Are you well Maarit? How is the winter in your country? It's been pretty mild here on the Mediterranean coast so far, very cold and snowy in the north of Spain though!
See you,

Art exhibitions and events

Post by Maarit » Thu Jan 23, 2014 8:28 am

Art exhibitions and events
I like Kusama`s idea about Polka dots. It is nice idea that people can participate to her installations. They can decorate a room by using polka dots. Participant`s bodies has been also painted with polka dots. In addition I think her flower and pumpkin sculptures are very attractive. I like their bright colours.
I am not sure if “the Obliteration Room” is a significant artistic statement. However it is a very important work for Kusama herself. Her childhood has been very hard and she has had hallucinations and other mental problems during all her life. She has said that art is her best therapy.
Art in public places is for my liking. It is nice that you need not always make a visit to an art gallery but you can see art in public places as well. I think art has an important role to play in society.
I agree with Jacob Nordby: “Blessed are the weird people: poets, misfits, writers, mystics, painters, troubadours; for they teach us to see the world through different eyes.”
I saw a very impressive instillation and paintwork in 2011 in Cambridge. Unfortunately I do not remember their names.
Kind regards Maarit
