Hey entrepreneur! What is your enterprise?

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Re: Hey entrepreneur! What is your enterprise?

Post by Guest » Fri Oct 04, 2019 9:48 pm

Yes, I also agree with Sixto, I tend to distrust all really big and famous entrepreneurs remembering the famous phrase of "Behind every fortune, there has been a criminal activity" (big or small). I tend to trust the small, hard working entrepreneurs, with his small time dreams, and even if it is a small shop or supermarket, the basis of being an entrepreneur is not the size that counts, but the fact that he has realized his dream.
I like the philosophy and not the money behind an entrepreneurial venture.

Re: Hey entrepreneur! What is your enterprise?

Post by Admin » Wed May 09, 2018 7:24 am

Hi Cesar, thanks for your interesting post - enjoyed reading it! In general I agree with what you say - entrepreneurship involves creativity, thinking outisde th box and total dedication. In the case of Zuckerberg I'm a bit sceptical, I have to say. According to what I have read it seems there was some funny business going on at the beginning, where he cheated on his partners. His business model is not admirable in my opinion, and I don't like the way he has handled the recent revelations about data mining etc. I don't trust him one bit and although I haven't cancelled my FB account, I almost never go in there anymore.. and anyway, he should pay taxes like everybody else ;)
See you again soon,

Hey entrepreneur! What is your enterprise?

Post by Cesar Marquez » Sat May 05, 2018 5:00 am

USS Enterprise is the first that pops in my mind when I hear the word Entrepreneur. Thinking about the mission of this cutting-edge spacecraft, which gathers people of different species, worlds and takes them around in a cosmic expedition, nothing would have happened in this fantastic fictional story unless a clever inventive person hadn’t shown initiative. For sure this Sci-Fi TV show has inspired many people to reach some of the current technological innovations.
There is no doubt that inspiration plays an important role in an enterprise, this makes me wonder what could have been Oprah Winfrey’s, Coco Channel’s or Mark Zuckerberg’s spacecrafts for their expedition to success. Three different souls who strove for success in each of their areas, have shown that it doesn’t come free, but with a lot of sacrifice.
With technology making things easier, new generations have forgotten the meaning of hard work and today is not unusual to hear some people proudly say: “I’m an entrepreneur”, meaning they own a restaurant, a convenience store, a luxury clothes brand, TV or social networks. Entrepreneur is an earned title rather than self-appointed, it is not like you go to university to get a BA as an entrepreneur. What did Oprah do different from other broadcast network CEO’S?, How outstanding Coco Channel was in order to dazzle the movers and shakers of that time? What kind of perils did Mark Zucherberg have to sort to built one of the world’s most profitable companies?
There is no doubt that their background has enlightened us in some common denominators, they all have built their enterprises from the bottom up, but with a scope and vision that led them to the very top, their innovative ideas have been the fruit of perseverance and experience, whether it was good or bad, they match in their ability to dare.
I can't say if I would like to be an entrepreneur. I guess that if so, it’ll be what mi experience and the future bring.

